Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.

Help and Counseling for Africans


Here are different ways to get in touch with us!

Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.

Telefon: [+49 (0) 123 45 67 89]
E-Mail: [info@hba-bb.support]
[Musterstraße 654]
[12345 Musterstadt]

Here is how you find us

Use our route planner to create a precise route description by moving your mouse over the blue info pin and entering your starting address via "Plan route". This will help you find us easily and without complications.

You still have questions?

The contact form is also the easiest way to get in touch with us. We will do our best to process your request as quickly as possible!