Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.

Help and Counseling for Africans


Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.
Website: www.hba-bb.support
Email: info@hba-bb.de
Board members : Oumou Hani Zakaria, – Aissatou Barry, – Dr. med. Nicolas Wilhelm Julius Schönfeld
Responsible for the content : Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.
Legal information about the organization :

Bank details
Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.
Programming & Design
Legal information on liability:
Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. strives to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct and up-to-date. Nevertheless, errors and ambiguities cannot be completely ruled out. Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. therefore assumes no liability for the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. is not liable for damages of a material or immaterial nature that are caused directly or indirectly by the use or non-use of the information provided, unless it can be proven that it was intentionally or grossly negligent. The same applies to free software downloads available. Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the Internet offering or the entire offering without separate notice or to temporarily or permanently stop publication. Responsibility for “external content”, which is provided, for example, through direct or indirect links (so-called links) to other providers, requires, among other things, positive knowledge of the illegal or punishable content. “Foreign content” is marked appropriately. Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. has no influence on third-party content and does not adopt this content as its own. Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. has no positive knowledge of illegal and offensive content on the linked pages of third-party providers. If the linked pages of third-party providers contain illegal or offensive content, Hilfe und Beratung für Afrikaner:innen in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. expressly distances itself from this content.

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